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GIS for Marketing

GIS Mapping

GIS for marketing internet service dramatically increases ROI for the ISP by only targeting serviceable households and businesses.

Engineering works with GIS all of the time. They use RF Propagation Maps for Fixed Wireless and ESRI or Open Source Network Maps for Fiber/Wireline service. While engineering had a clearly defined network, marketing has had to approximate the service area for marketing purposes because they lacked the tools to turn the maps into data. MarketBroadband solves this problem.

If you can map it, we can market to it–at the address-level!

MarketBroadband uses geo-spatial queries to extract only the addresses that reside inside of the service area of the ISP’s service maps. From there, an amazing number of attributes may be appended to the address to segment and target only the right businesses or residences for your service.

Accurate address data is the key. We use it to target direct mail, address-level (cookie-free) digital display ads and even highly targeted Facebook Sponsored ads. CALL NOW to learn more!

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Multi-Channel Marketing
Multi-channel Marketing

A typical prospect averages seven different points of contact (work email, personal email, phone, etc) that are accessed from 3 - 5 devices. Are you reaching prospects on all of ...

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Match Back Analysis & Predictive Modeling
Address-Level Match Back Analysis

Predictive Modelling distills high responders from your total marketing universe. Match Back Analysis closes the marketing loop by providing address-level response analysis.

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